Use Google As a Crutch For Your Cheap Website Host

Almost every site I create nowadays relies heavily on JavaScript. Having to load in all those scripts can really bog your web server down. Instead of serving those static files yourself, why not use Google? It provides a free service called Google AJAX Libraries that hosts all of the popular JavaScript libraries.

Google makes this very easy by providing a dead-simple API.

Here’s a quick example of how to load jQuery 1.3.2:

<script src=""></script>
<script>google.load("jquery", "1.3.2");</script>

If you don’t want to use Google’s loader, they provide a direct link to the script for each library.

Using this service in parallel with Amazon S3, my Bluehost-hosted site now runs significantly faster at almost no additional cost.

Check out Google’s available AJAX libraries.



One response to “Use Google As a Crutch For Your Cheap Website Host”

  1. […] Too good to be true? Nope. The S3 files are served up lickety split and best of all it takes the load off of your cheap host which allows it to function much more efficiently. So far I have moved my site’s header and the LightBox JS file. Why didn’t I move the other JS files and images? Because Google hosts all of the popular JavaScript libraries for free. […]

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